Whiten Your Undershirts With Iron Out?

When it comes to keeping your undershirts their brightest white, or bringing back their whiteness, we’ve talked about the following:

Whiten Undershirts with Rit White Wash

Using Homemade Detergent to Keep Undershirts White

Soaking in Borax with Laundry Detergent

Overnight Soak in OxiClean or Water with Lemon

There are also some solutions primarily used for removing deodorant stains from shirts, that also can work to whiten undershirts.


Rules to wearing undershirts

But, this is the first time I’ve heard about using Iron Out to whiten undershirts. From the White Undershirts thread on BobIsTheOilGuy:

If you are like me and wear an undershirt most days you will notice they turn yellow over time. Apparently this is not from staining but because the fabric is off-white but is dyed to be white.

So I hit my shirts with a box of Rit “white wash” ($1.70) and they look much better! They do not look new but pretty close. Will try another dose or two of the stuff. $1.70 won’t even cover the tax on me replacing my old shirts.

Use Iron Out. Put a few cap fulls in whites only, with a dash of detergent. Hot water. Let soak for about 30 minutes once washer begins to mix everything up after its full of water. Then let it run its wash cycle. Nothing works like Iron Out. Promise.

Has anyone tried using Iron Out to white clothing?


Sweat Proof Undershirts

1 thought on “Whiten Your Undershirts With Iron Out?”

  1. With the new washers you cant use IronOut like you just said. You would have to put the powder in a bucket and mix it up then put clothes, mixture, and detergent in washer on the soak cycle. Then wash again after that.


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