If you’ve been with me since mid 2009, then you probably remember the following.
A German-based research company contacted me about a deodorant innovation study they were conducting for one of their clients, a leading brand cosmetics company.
Wanna Participate in the Coolest Deodorant Innovation Study in the World?
Of course, I was happy to help get the word out. As a result, a large number of people from the UndershirtGuy.com community did an amazing job in completing the study.
It Was Nivea
Come to find out, the cosmetics company was Nivea!
The results from the research study helped the company decide to move forward, and they designed an antiperspirant that prevented/minimized yellow armpit stains!
Furthermore, they determined something even more exciting from the study.
They concluded that if they combined the above stain blocking capability into a product that didn’t leave white deodorant marks on your clothing (you know the ones you get when you put them on), they’d have something amazing on their hands that consumers would love.
Nivea Invisible Antiperspirant For Men
Nivea Invisible Black & White is the product their researchers came up with as a result of that deodorant innovation study from July 2009.
You know what else is cool?
Nivea put together a product video about the research that went into creating “Invisible” and UndershirtGuy.com was in the video!
Here’s a screen shot from the video below
I’m trying to track down the link to the video that’s dubbed in English, but here’s the original German version for now.
Got the video from my pal Volker who participated in the co-creation research study