IOKII Bullet Proof Undershirt


By request of IOKII and their legal counsel, I was requested to remove the photos I had originally placed in this article, which did come from their website, due to copyright violation.

It would appear (my opinion) that IOKII has trouble with me making reference to or any inference that IOKII is/was similar in appearance to the long-time defunct ARMOR Tee in the same article where I mention them. This is based on an original observation I made that the photos I obtained from ARMOR TEE over seven years ago bore resemblance to IOKII’s current product offering.

Also, there was a video on IOKII’s website (which was swiftly removed after I published this article) that had an identical thumbnail as the one shown on the ARMOR TEE article (link below) and was the same video I watched many years ago that I was led to believe came from ARMOR TEE.

IOKII has given me no substantiated rationale to their positions related to ARMOR TEE. They did make some claims, yet failed to provide any hard evidence.

So, in an effort to be cooperative and not stay in copyright violation, I had the below IOKII images originally created with the help of some graphic designers. These images are original art, but hopefully provide a relatively close representation to what the actual product looks like.

If you’d like to learn more about the IOKII offering, please visit your favorite search engine and search for them directly.


Sweat Proof Undershirts

The bullet-proof undershirt is back!

Wow, I can’t believe it’s been over 6 years since I first wrote about the ARMOR Tee bullet resistant undershirt, and 3.5 years since I wrote about near bullet-proof cotton.

Over the years I’ve kept a close eye on this space, and from time to time I’d see news of progress.

Most recently I noticed the IOKII offering being available for purchase on their website, so I thought I’d share news of the product here.

IOKII Bullet Resistant Undershirt Images

original illustration by manalkhan29
original illustration by juanpcornejo


IOKII – Videos

IOKII Bullet Resistant Tank Top Undershirt Overview

You’ll need to visit the Video page on IOKII’s website to see this video. By request of IOKII, I have removed it from this article.


IOKII – How it Works

In simple terms, the protective tank top undershirt is comprised of two parts:

  1. The Tank Top Undershirt
  2. Two Inner Cores (front & back) – these are the heart of the protection. The core can protect & minimize damage from 22, .25, .32., .38 calibers, 9 mm handguns & knife slash.

The CORE’s technology allows the impact of the bullet to be dispersed out across the surface area therefore slowing down the bullet to the point of not being able to penetrate the body. The core minimizes damage from critical areas that are covered.

Visit IOKII’s How it Works page for more info.

This bullet-resistant personal protection will only set you back $299, which in my opinion is an amazing value.

Man, I hope to get my hands on one of these undershirt tank tops. Not that I need to stop a speeding bullet, but the cool factor alone in wearing a bullet resistant undershirt would be worth it.

Maybe John Wick should have worn one of these instead of his bullet proof vest – very cool movie. Amazing soundtrack.


Sweat Proof Undershirts

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