Hiders Underwear: Guys, Hide Your Erection!

I don’t know if this is a publicity stunt to promote a male enhancement pill, but ALI KAPS (was on hiders.co) just announced their Hiders underwear.

It’s male undergarment with a special adjustable front pad design that should supposedly hide male erections.

Hiders Underwear “Promo” Video

Ali Kaps promises to save the day when you find yourself in public places with plenty of stimulation:

Hiders Product Demo Video and Pictures

The Hiders briefs are made from a special combination of milk protein and fabric.

This unique combo should, namely, fit all sizes and feel comfortable and protective without needlessly squooshing your member.


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It adapts to the erection level – therefore, you won’t have to suffer in silence.

You’ll still be “feeling it”, but no one will be able to tell.

Hiders briefs have a polyurethane breathable foam pad that’s inserted in the front.

It safely covers all essential bits, providing lost of space.

Here is how the pad looks like from both sides and the front:

Hide Erection Seamlessly

Now, not all of you have the same stiffness type. The Ali Kaps briefs should be able to hide erection going in all different directions.

The Hiders contain small pockets or pits that provide space for your enlarged organ:


Whether you are a left-side or a right-side erection guy, the hiders briefs seem to be able to do the job.

Since the pad is invisible, you won’t get that visible bulge under your pants. At least, it should be smaller.

hiders underwear left erection

At the moment, there’s no information on how to purchase Hiders underwear, nor is there any contact information.

There’s only a link to where to learn more about ALI KAPS.

To tell you the truth, it’s not the most terrible idea I’ve ever heard of. If it does what it says it does, I’d like to learn more.

I suspect we’ll find out soon.


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3 thoughts on “Hiders Underwear: Guys, Hide Your Erection!”

  1. Whare can buy this?I am completley cluess on how.Pleas help and if you dont know thankyou for your time even if you dont look i am still gratful that you even read this.Have a nice day whatever time zone you are in.

      • I beleav you are wright.One thin that doseant add up is sevral news groops have information on it.Live and learn.Thankyou

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