Who Made Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine Tank Top Undershirt?

I guess Hugh’s da man when it comes to wearing undershirts in movies. So, who made the iconic Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine tank top in the X-Men Origins sequel? Tug on Male Movie Fashion: Flyboys & Australia If you remember, back in November a reader wrote in wondering what undershirt the actors were wearing in the … Read more

A lot of men like wearing wife beater undershirts daily, and one reader explains why.

Reader Contribution: Why I Wear A Wife-Beater (Undershirt)

Got this email from a new reader a couple of days ago with great ideas for my site. I hope to incorporate some of them in the coming months. To illustrate one of his ideas, he included an article about his fondness of “wife beater” tank top undershirts: Hi Tug, I came across your blog, … Read more

How & Why To Wear An Undershirt. What About Style?

A while back, I ran across this blog post on Why You Should Wear an Undershirt at all times, written by blogger Marvin Jones Jr. Well, I decided to check in on the post today and I discovered a recent comment from reader Al, who provided his thoughts on why undershirts are actually stylish to … Read more

Blog Article – Posts of Vital Importance: Undershirts

Ran across this post on blog “Blowing Shit up with Gas” from blogger Patrick where he highlights some benefits of wearing undershirts. He also takes an interesting position on tank tops. 11/16/08 Update: Also check out this “Wearing an Undershirt – What about Style?” blog post for more information about wearing undershirts. Now read on! … Read more

The Wifebeater Undershirt: Would the world be better off without it?

Here’s an absolutely brilliantly written post about the ubiquitous “wife beater” undershirt. I have to stand up and applaud the author Fortyfied for her detailed analysis and unique take on this extremely popular article of under clothing. Article Favorites Parts Here are some of my favorite parts of her article: Using a wifebeater as something … Read more