The Secret to Keeping Your Undershirts White Without Using Bleach

Well if you asked me that question a couple of days ago, I probably would have referred you to several posts here that talk about removing deodorant stains from your undershirts.

But today, I sit here more enlightened because I ran across a really great article from Stephanie, a SAHM who co-runs the My Frugal Lifestyle blog with her friend Camille. In the article she explains how to get white clothes their absolute whitest and brightest WITHOUT using bleach! Boy am I going to tell Mrs. Tug about this one.

Here’s the secret straight from her blog:

I used a 1/2 cup of my homemade laundry detergent. I threw in 2 Tablespoons of the Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda into my wash load. I had to do a little extra effort with my bra, so I sprayed it down with my homemade Spray n’ Wash before I chucked it into the washer.

This is also great on your man’s undershirts with their good ol’ pit stains! Once the washer was done, this is what I got

Here are some before and after pictures (pretty amazing):


Sweat Proof Undershirts

I’ve got a couple white undershirts that are starting to lose their brightness, so I’m going to check with Mrs. Tug to see if we can give this a try!

Make your own Deodorant Stain & Buildup Remover at home!


Sweat Proof Undershirts

5 thoughts on “The Secret to Keeping Your Undershirts White Without Using Bleach”

    • hey steve, i did a little poking around, but it looks like this sahm is no longer blogging. i found a newer blog of hers that went up to late 2010, but none of the previous articles were brought over to her new site.

      you might want to try to email her at [email protected]. if you get the original content of the homemade cleaning concoctions listed above, please be sure to come back here and post them so we have a record of it moving forward.

      also, mrs. tug mentioned the other day that if you soak white clothes in hot water with a slice of lemon for 10 minutes, that is also supposed to help get clothes whiter. i’m going to try this today with some dingy white gym socks i need to white badly.

  1. A cup of white vinegar in the rinse (1st, but preferably 2nd) cycle will help break down some the the soap residue which cause the white to gray. It’s amazing how dirty the water gets if you haven’t done this for a while. The vinegar also helps loosen the stiffness in the fabric, allowing your undershirts to besofter when doing outdoor drying.

  2. WOW! That appears to have worked wonders…I’ll have to pass this along to my clients and try it out for myself too. Getting whites white again always seems to be such a struggle. Thanks.


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